Available Courses
Ab Initio Foundation & Advance online Training
Ab Initio application is a general motive data processing platform for organization-class, mission-relevant applications comparable to data warehousing, batch processing, click stream processing, data movement, data transformation, and analytics. It helps the integration of arbitrary data sources and programs and supplies entire metadata management across the enterprise.
Big Data Foundation & Advance online Training
Big Data is a collection of data that is huge in volume, yet growing exponentially with time. It is a data with so large size and complexity that none of traditional data management tools can store it or process it efficiently. Big data is also a data but with huge size.
Data Sciences and Advance Analytics (Including Gen AI) Online Training
Data Science would involve collecting customer data, cleaning it, performing exploratory analysis, and potentially building a basic churn prediction model.
Advanced Analytics could then be used to refine the model by incorporating more complex techniques like survival analysis or incorporating customer sentiment data from social media.
By combining data science with advanced analytics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their data, make more accurate predictions, and ultimately achieve better business outcomes.